I have been attending Pilates classes for a good number of years with Body-Torque and credit them with helping me overcome problems with both my lower back and shoulders. However, at the great age of 65, I was about to retire and felt that I needed to re-assess my fitness. This was partly prompted by a visit to my doctor, who somewhat cruelly I thought, quoted the ‘use it or lose it’ adage to me!
I decided to see a personal trainer, thinking that I could get an over-all assessment and some useful exercises in addition to the Pilates I was doing with Body-Torque. Big mistake in this case! I went twice: the second time to confirm my initial response. I did not feel I was listened to, or that my age was taken into account when put through a series of movements. I paid a lot of money for a poor experience.
I then spoke to Danielle who recommended some 1:1 classes with Rob: I was able to go once to see if I liked it – I did and so signed up for a course. As in the classes, there was a real sense of the exercise tailored to the individual, confidence building advice and, as hoped, real progress.
I realized because I thought I knew the movements, that I had allowed myself to get a little lazy in my group classes and was not getting the most out of them. The 1:1 sessions enabled me to re-visit the basic exercises and appreciate how the more complex ones are built up.
There was also no escape from the exercises I found difficult and Rob was able to help me find ways in which to succeed with these. The use of the equipment also made a big difference in helping to achieve my goals. I have been able to take what I learnt back into the classes and feel that I am able to benefit more from them now as I have a heightened awareness of what I am trying to achieve – and I have reminded myself sternly that I need to listen attentively at all times! ………………Jenny B.