Some of you will know Laura Baldwin, or at least recognise her from her photo. She is a long standing client of Body-Torque. What you may not know, is that Laura has been in training and will be running the Bournemouth Marathon on 4 October 2015, to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy UK.
We caught up with Laura to find out what motivated her to tackle the “marathon task!”
Hi Laura, so what motivated you to start running?
I started running after my daughter was born in 2011, mainly as a way to get fit and lose some baby weight. I was bumbling along quite nicely until my lovely sister-in-law (and talented runner) challenged me to a 10k. I didn’t achieve an amazing time, but it did change my motivation, I was overjoyed and immensely satisfied to have done well, and this spurred me on to see what I could really achieve if I put my mind (& body to it).
What training do you do to prepare for your races?
Since my first race, I’ve been much more focused and take training and general fitness more seriously. I run most days, and love to cycle when time and children allow. As runners often pick up injuries, I feel it’s important to balance my body, incorporating all planes of movement. I do Pilates twice a week with Body-Torque, this helps me achieve a combination of stability, control and flexibility. I also attend Body-Torque’s interval training (HIIT) class called Metafit. Metafit’s total body integration exercises, really boost my fitness; helping me achieve a PB at the Reigate Park Run, straight after a Metafit session!
Now, with many race finishes to your name, is there a result you’re particularly proud of?
I’m really proud of the Reigate Half Marathon which I ran last year with my best running buddy, as part of the Body-Torque run team. I finished in a time of 1:47. Helping to raise over £1000, for the Children’s Trust in Tadworth.
So, was it just time to step up to marathon distance, or was there another reason you decided to enter the Bournemouth Marathon?
In December 2014, I was diagnosed with Late On-set Fascioscapulohumeral (FSH) Muscular Dystrophy. It is a slow progressing muscle wasting condition and there is a 50% chance I have passed it on to my children. FSH Muscular Dystrophy is a rare condition that involves weakening of the muscles predominantly around the face, shoulder blade and upper arms. It is estimated that around 1 in 20,000 people have the condition. The good news is that there is a new treatment, and trials begin this year. However, far from making me slow down, I’ve used my diagnosis as an excuse to do things I might otherwise only have talked about doing! After years of saying, I’ll never run a marathon, I am now thrilled and looking forward to competing in the event; oh yes, and I’ve never felt fitter or more alive!
So are you running for a charity to raise money?
Yes, when I decided to run it was a “no brainer”; I would do it for Muscular Dystrophy.
Thanks Laura, and best of luck for the Bournemouth Marathon on 4th October!
Laura has already managed to raise over £600! If you’d like to support Laura’s fund raising effort, please visit her virgin money giving page where you can donate online. (or click here). Alternatively you can also pass your donations to your class instructor, we’ll make sure that Laura receive them on your behalf.